8 Important Steps That You Can Take To Help Strengthen Your Immune System

If you frequently catch colds, get the flu or take a long time to get rid of last winter’s cough, your immune system may need some help. You may not know that your immune system is an amazing thing. Through a complicated web that consists of organs, such as your spleen, thymus and tonsils, certain kinds of cells and proteins, your immune system guards your body from infection. Not only that, but your immune system remembers every microbe its ever encountered, so it can identify and destroy it if you’re ever exposed to that particular germ again. 

However, your immune system isn’t infallible. It can be overwhelmed by a new pathogen, exposure to a particularly strong virus or bacteria, or a high load of exposure, such as when your housemate has the flu and you’re stuck indoors. Your immune system also becomes weakened when you become run down, through overworking, physical or mental stress, or not getting enough sleep. In addition, aging weakens your immune system, which is why throughout the world people over the age of 65 are more likely than younger people to have severe cases or even die from the flu, COVID 19 or pneumonia.

Many people, especially those who seem to get sick with every cold or flu going around, would benefit from a boost to their immunity, and the good news is that there are a number of things that you can do. 

For starters, you can turn to acupuncture and Chinese medicine. Scientists have discovered that acupuncture can help boost your immunity and decrease inflammation. Not only that, but acupuncture is well-known for its ability to lower stress, help with sleep and treat depression and anxiety—all conditions that can decrease your immune function.  

Chinese herbal medicine can also be an effective way to boost your immunity. Each herb has inherent actions, which when combined into a formula, they can work to increase your body’s resistance to illness, decrease stress, improve your energy, provide antioxidant benefits and promote better sleep, depending on your specific needs. Herbal medicine can be a great way to augment your acupuncture treatments, or as a stand-alone therapy. In Chinese medicine, foods also have inherent actions on your body, in a way similar to herbs but not as strong. However, nutritional therapy is a great way to enhance your immune function. Your practitioner can help you with a food therapy plan to strengthen your immunity and your overall health, based on your health history and needs.

In addition to Chinese medicine therapies, there are some steps that you can take on your own to help strengthen your immune system, including:

  • Get enough good sleep. While you’re sleeping, your body recovers from all the stressors of the day. Lack of rejuvenating sleep is one of the largest assaults on your immunity. If you’re struggling with sleep issues, contact our clinic, as acupuncture can help.
  • Give your immune system a break by lowering your exposure to pathogens. This is as simple as washing your hands frequently, using hand sanitizer, and avoiding people who you know are sick.
  • Eat to boost immunity. This means putting the emphasis on plant-based foods, small amounts of lean proteins and whole grains. Eating well is especially important as you age.
  • Avoid excessive amounts of alcohol. Research indicates that a habit of too many cocktails can weaken your immune system over time.
  • Keep active. While getting enough sleep is important, getting enough physical activity is also crucial to maintaining a healthy immune system. Scientists have found that physical activity helps protect you from getting frequent colds and the flu. In addition to boosting your immunity, exercise promotes good heart and lung health, supports good digestion, keeps your muscles and joints moving and has strong mental health benefits. Exercise can also help with weight control. Scientists have discovered that obesity is linked to decreased immunity and it may also decrease the effectiveness of vaccines.
  • Be kind to your lungs. In Chinese medicine, your lungs are the underpinnings of your immune system. Your respiratory system is a barrier against bacteria, viruses, pollen and the like getting into your body. You can help keep your lungs healthy by not smoking or vaping. Add exercise that makes you breathe harder or engage in meditative breathwork, such as Yoga. If nothing else, take a few deep breaths several times a day; it helps oxygenate your blood, prevents anxiety, improves your lung capacity and improves your immune function.
  • Take care of your emotional health. Mental health issues, such as stress, depression and anxiety can also impact your physical health. Symptoms such as insomnia, digestive problems and fatigue can also translate into weakened immunity. 
  • Take a walk in the woods or your favorite natural setting. There is an ever-growing body of research that documents the health benefits of walking in the woods or a nearby park. Doing so can decrease your stress levels, lower your blood pressure, increase your immune function and lower your levels of a stress hormone, called cortisol. 

The message here is simple; take good care of your body to support your immune system. However, if you’re struggling with frequent illnesses, allergies or other health issues related to immune function and want to know more about how acupuncture and Chinese medicine can help you, please contact our clinic.


8 Important Steps That You Can Take To Help Strengthen Your Immune System
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8 Important Steps That You Can Take To Help Strengthen Your Immune System
An article discussing hoe acupuncture and Chinese medicine can help boost your immune system.
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Eastern Healing Solutions, LLC
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